Traces of Civilization in Iran Before the First Half of the Fifth
Millenium B.C.
The scientific excavation and study of the ancient caves and mounds
by archaeologists has placed at the disposal of scholars a great
deal of information about man's past. The oldest artifact which
has so far come to light on the Iranian plateau from the prehistoric
period is a stone hand - axe found near Kermanshah
is approximately 100,000 years old.
After the <<food - gathering period>> man gradually
discovered the secrets of how to grow plants and
domesticate animals. Archaeologists call this new period that of
the beginning of settled, agricultural society.
The prehistoric cultures of
are divided in to two main groups: the north and northeastern cultures
and the
south and southewestern cultures. The cultures of the north and
northeast are as follows:
The Seyalk Culture
Artifacts of this culture were found for the first time in
Seyalk Hills
and thus the culture was
called by this name. The deepest level of excavation of this hill
brought to light relics and remains of
elementary agricultural societies on the Iranian plateau. The deep
levels of Cheshma - ye Ali hill have also
revealed remains from this culture. The approximate date of the
Seyalk Culture is the beginning of the fifth
millenium B.C.
The Cheshma - ye Ali Culture
The first remains from this prehistoric culture were found in Cheshma
- ye Ali hill in southeastern
given the period its name. The bone artifacts and stone ware of
the period are beautifully made; the art of
making pottery has reached quite an advanced stage of perfection
and the their wares. This period begins
from the middle of the fifth millenium B.C.
The Hesar (Hissar) Culture
Remains from this culture were first discovered in
Hesar Hill
from whence the name. In this
period there was a great deal of interrelationship between the various
areas of
and the other regions of the Middle East. Metal artifacts and pottery
and stone ware of the beauty have been found from of the arts and
of this culture.
During the past ten years archaeologists have uncovered other ancient
sites which indicate that human
societies existed in
before the Seyalk culture. Among these one can mention the sites
of Zagha on the
plain and Hajji Firuz on the Solduz plain.
The culture of the south and southwest
is known by the name of the Buff Ware culture, because of the particular
kind of pottery which it produced.
This pottery first appeared contemporary with the cultures of the
Iranian plateau and gradually spread until it
came to be found over the whole of the ancient world. The various
periods of this culture are known by the
names of Bakun, Jafar Abad, Jari and Shush.
of Civilization
in the Second Half the Fifth and Beginning of the Fourth
Millenia B.C.
The Period of the Buff Ware Culture
The remains of the Buff Ware Culture have been found in many other
areas besides the south and southwest
for in its period of expansion and at its height this culture existed
throughout the whole breadth of the
ancient world. It began in the first part of the fofth millenim
B.C., living remains in the ancient mounds of the
plain and the surrounding regions. Gradually the distribution of
its artifacts, and in particular its
pottery, underwent expansion, and in the latter parts of the fifth
millenium and the beginning of the fourth
millenium B.C. the Buff Ware Culture extended over all of
and the neighboring regions, that is, from the
Mediterranean Sea to the Indus Valley. The influence of the pottery
of this culture in the Iranian plateau
manifested itself during the period of the Hesar Culture. Although
the remains and artifacts of this culture have
been found throughout the ancient world, to a degree they have been
influenced by local artistis styles. The
most beautiful examples of the pottery of this culture at its height
have been found in the mounds of Shush
Bakun, Seyalk and Saggez Abad.
The Iranian Plateau in the Third and Second Millenia B.C.
The archaeological evidence which has thus far come to light shows
that the people of
possessed an
extremely advanced civilization as long ago as 7000 years. The western
part of the Iranian plateau entered
the historical era about 5000 years ago when the cuneiform script
was invented. The people of the eastern
sections of the plateau, however, remained without the advantages
of this Elamite form of writing, and the only
information we have about them is the remains founds in tombs. These
show that the remains of
in the
third and second millenia B.C. were people of a peace - loving,
agricultural and artistic nature. evertheless,
the number of tombs excavated until now is not sufficient to come
to any exact and comprehensive
conclusions. In many areas of
there are archaeological remains relevant to these two millenia
which for
various reasons have not yet come to light. Thus it must not be
thought that the inhabited areas of the Iranian
plateau in the third and second millienia B.C. were limited to those
indicated on the map. It is probable that
eventually the whole surface of the map will be covered by points
which will gradually be discovered.
From the middle of the third millenium B.C. the form, design and
coloring of implements and the manner of
burying the dead gradually changed, so that by the end of this millenium
the appearance of graves and of the
artifacts found within them had taken to itself a completely new
aspect. We can conclude from these changes
that new peoples had gradually entered
from the east, for in the east the intensity of these changes is
than in the west, and farther we move from the northeast towards
the central regions of
such as
the less is the intensity.
In the middle of the second millenium Iran was invaded from several
directions by peoples from the north.
First, groups of Aryans who had been occupied with grazing their
flocks of sheep and goats in the wide
pasturelands located to the northeast of the Iranian plateau entered
the plateau itself. A number of these
groups went with their flocks to the fertile areas around the shores
the Caspian Sea
and settled in the rea
the peaks of the Alborz mountain range and the edge of the Caspian
forests, which contained excellent pasteurage. In the beginning
of the second millenium B.C. the Hittites crossed the Bosporus traits
and entered Asia Minor, the Mitannis found their way through the
Caucasus into the Anatolian Peninsula and the Kassites came Downward
by the same route towards the Zagros Mountains and settled in the
western regions of the Iranian plateau.
Aryan peoples also entered Iran from the northeast during the second
half of the second millenium B.C.
and gave their name to the land. In this way during the last parts
of the second millenium B.C. the Iranian
plateau was made ready for the great monarchy which came into being
during the following millenium.
Gradually all of the scattered centers which had come into being
separately during the space of 3000 years
were brought under the control of a central government.
Ancient Media consisted of
the region around
the areas of
lake Hoz-e Soltan and
the Salt Lake
(Daryacha - ye Namak), the regions of the Qara - su and Qomrud
the northern part of the Kavir Plain,
The vassal countries of
the Median Empire included Pars,
a part of Assyria (Harran and northern Mesopotamia), Ilam,
Drangiana (Sistan,
part of Makran and western
as far as Qandahar), Parthia, Hyrkania (
Areia, possibly Khwarazm and probably Soghd.
In the year 647 - 3 B.C. the Medes, the Cimmerians and the Mannaeans
revolted against Esarhaddon, the
King of Assyria, under the leadership of Kashtaritu (Khshathrita).
It is probable that Kashtaritu is the same
person whom Herodotus calls Phraortes, the son of Deioces (Dayukku).
Kashtaritu ruled the year 652 B.C.
From 652 until 625 the Medes were ruled by the Scythians or Sakas.
In 615 the tribes of Media united under
the leadership of Cyxares (Huvakhshathra), attacked the Assyrian
Empire and entered Kerkuk (Arrapkha). In
the year 612 B.C. the Medes together with the Babylonians occupied
Nineveh, and with the occupation of
Hrran in 610 B.C. the Assyrian Empire fell. Cyxares then occupied
the western part of Asia Minor, and Media
came to possess a common border with Lydia. The ensuing war between
these two powers continued several
years until the occurrence of a solar eclipse in 585 B.C., which
caused the two sides to cease fighting. A peace
was concluded through the mediation of the kings of Babylonia and
Cilicia according to which the Halys
Rivers was determined as the border between Media and Lydia. After
Cyxares his son Astyges (Arshtivaiga;
553 - 550 B.C.) becames king. Cyrus II,
the Achaemenid,
revolted against him and in 550 captured Ecbatana,
thus bringing the Median Empire to an end.
Historical Atlas of Iran, University of Tehran, Institue of
Geography - 1971
The Achaemenids (559 - 330 B.C.)
The Achaemenid Empire included the following regions: Pars of Parsa,
which probably included
(Carmania or Karmana); Media; Lydia of Sardis (Sparda); Cappadocia
(Katpatuka); Ionia (Yavna); the land of
<<the Scythians from the other side of the sea>> (Saka paradarya),
located on the northern plains of the
Black Sea; There (Skudra); the land of <<the Ionians wearing the
Petasos cap>> (Yavna takabara), which
was probably the region of Phrygia near the Dardanelles (the
Hellespont); Caria (Karka);
as far as
the Black Sea; the lands of the Kushaya (Abyssinia); Lybia (Putaya);
Egypt (Mudraya); Arabia (Arabaya);
Babylonia (Babaitush); <<the Assyria on the other side of the river
(the Euphrates)>>, which included Syria,
Phoenicia, Palestine and Cyprus; the lands of the Saka homavrga
(Amorges); the Indus valley (Hindush); the
lands of <<the Sakas with the pointed hats (or helmets)>>
(Tigrakhoda or Orthokoybantioi); Qandahar
(Gandhara or Parvparaesenna: << the land on that side of the
mountain>>); Sattagydia (Thatagush); Makran;
Arachosia (Harahuvatish: the valley of the Helmand River as far as
Qandahar): Drangyana (Zaranka);
Choresmia (Khvarazmish); Sogdiana; Bactria (Bakhtrish), which also
included the area of Marv (Margu);
Haraiva; Parthava; Hyrkania; the areas bordering on the southern
shore of
the Caspian Sea;
(Huvaza or Huza =
Cyrus II the Achaemenid revolted against Astyges (Arshtivaiga) in
553 B.C. and in 550 B.C. took him prisoner.
In 547 Cyrus occupied Sardis and captured Croesus, the King of
Lydia, and then proceeded to occupy the
other parts of Asia Minor. In 539 - 8 B.C. he conquered Babylonia
and gave permission to the Jews to return to
Palestine, their homeland. Then he turned to the conquest of the
northern and eastern regions of
and in
530 - 29 B.C. in a war with tribes to the east or northeast he was
killed. In 525 Cambyses II conquered Egypt.
In 519 B.C. Darius attacked the lands of the Sakas to the east and
in 513 those of the European Sakas.
In the year 331 B.C. Darius III was decisively defeated by Alexander
the Great at the battle of Gaugamela,
from whence he fled to Bactria. In 330 he was killed by Bessus, and
thus the Achaemenid Empire was brought
to an end.
Historical Atlas of Iran, University of Tehran, Institue of
Geography - 1971
The Seleucids (312 - 6 B.C.)
The Seleucid Empire at the time of its founder, Seleucus Nicator,
included the greater part of both
Empire and the territories of Alexander. Seleucus ruled over all of
Babylonia, Assyria,
Syria, Phoenicia, Palestine, Asia Minor (with the exception of
Pontus, Paphlagnia and Bithynia) and
Alexander's European territories. Atropatene (Azarbaijan)
was independent, and Chandragopta, the King of
India, had founded a kingdom to the east of the Indus River, the
capital of which was Pataliputra (Patna).
The different nationalities possessing a variety of cultures and
traditions within this extensive Seleucid Empire
made the continuation of its existence more difficult. For this
reason the Seleucids continued Alexander's
policy of Hellenizing the conquered territoties. Greek and
Macedonian immigrants were settled in many of the
cities of
which were then given Greek names. Thus the city of Rhgae (Rey),
for example, was called
Europus, today's
was called Laodicea (the Arabic Ladhiqiyya), and Haraiara (Harat)
was called
Alexandria. Sometimes new cities were also built. These steps,
however, did not produce the desired result
and in the third century B.C. the Seleucid Empire was attacked from
both within and without. In the year 255
B.C. Bactria achieved independence under the leadership of Diodotus,
from the years 250 to 248 - 7 B.C. the
province of Parthia gained its independence, and at the same time to
the west the Seleucids lost the province
of Cappadocia.
Some of these lost territories were recaptured by Antiochus III; but
he was forced to recognize officially the
independence of Pergamum, Bactria and Parthia. As a result of the
Treaty of Apamea in 188 B.C. all of Asia
Minor north of the Taurus Mountains was lost by the Seleucids. In
the year 145 B.C. Ptolemy VI captured
Lebanon and Palestine from them and in 140 B.C. the
occupied Babylonia and southern
Mesopotamia. The last Seleucid kings ruled only in Syria and a part
of Mesopotamia.
The city of Seleucia on the Tigris River, founded in the year 312
B.C. by seleuces I, was for a time the capital
was Antioch, located on the Orontes River.
Historical Atlas of Iran, University of Tehran, Institue of
Geography - 1971
The Parthians
In the first half of the third century B.C. a confederation of
nomadic tribes called the Dahae lived in the northern
plains of Hyrcania (Gorgan).
One of these tribes, an Iranian people called the Parni, separated
from the
confederation under the leadership of two brothers, Arsaces and
Tiridates, and set out for the valley of Tejend
(Ochus). Diodotus, the Satrap of Bactria, blocked their path, and
they were forced to head for Hyrcania -
Parthia. The Satrap of this province, Andragora, was killed in a
resulting war. Arsaces and Tiridates are
considered the founders of the Parthian (or Arsacid) dynasty. The
<<Arsacid Era>>, which began on April 1,
247 B.C., was apparently calculated from the coronation of the first
of the Parthian kings.
The Parthians took advantage of the weakness of the
and gradually conquered the latter's
territories as far as the Euphrates River. The Parthian Empire was
made up of the following regions: Hyrcania,
the capital of which was Zadrakarta; Astavene, whose capital was
Asaak mear present - day
Parthyene whose capital was Mithradakert near today's
Eshq Abad,
the Nisa of the Islamic period;
Apavarcticene, or the Abivard of the Islamic period; Margiane, the
Marv of the Islamic period; Aria, the Islamic
period's Harat; Anauoa, along with the cities of Farah, Bust and
Neh; Darangiane; Sakestan or Parctacene;
Arachosia or the later Qandahar; Rhaga or
Choarene or Khwar; Comisene, or the Qumes of the Islamic
period, in which was located the city of Hecatompylis; Seleucia,
located on the Tigris River, along with
Ctesiphon, the later capital of the Parthians; Dura - Europus, on
the Euphrates; al - Hazr or Hatra; Artemita;
eastern, western and upper Media; Tapuria and Traziana; the country
of the Mardians in the Alborz
Mountains; and the southern and eastern shores of
the Caspian Sea.
Vassal states of the Parthians included the following: the kingdom
of Mesene, located south of Babylonia and
also known as Characene; the kingdom of the region of Elam, known as
Elymais, which included
and a portion of
and the capital of which was near
or Malmir; the kingdoms located in the
provinces of Pars and
the kingdom of Osroene in northwestern Mesopotamia, whose capital
Edessa; the kingdom of Adiabene, or ancient Assyria, whose capital
was Arbela on the Zab River; the
kingdom of Gordyene of Cordyene,or the land of the Kardush, in south
the kingdom of Azarbaijan
(Atropatene); the kingdom of Armenia; and the Indo - Parthian
dynasty, which was located in the Indus valley
and among the important cities of which was Taxila.
The important centers of Parthian governmet during various periods
were the cities of Dara, in the region of
Abivard; Nisaye of Parthaunisa, where the first Parthian kings were
buried; Hecatompylos, in Qumes between
Historical Atlas of Iran, University of Tehran, Institue of
Geography - 1971
The Sassanids (226 - 651 A.D.)
Ardashir I, the first of the Sassanids, was the son of Babak, the
king of Estakhr. In the year 208 A.D. Ardashir
succeeded his father and went on to occupy all of Persis (Fars)
and Carnania (Kerman),
afterwards taking
Susiana (or Elymais), Mesene (or Characene) and
In the year 224 a battle took place at Hormozdgan
between Ardashir and Artabanus V, the
King. As a result Artabanus was killed and Ardashir
henceforth considered himself the legitimate heir to the Parthian
Empire and the king of kings of
According to Noldeke's calculation Ardashir was officially coronated
in the year 226. In the following year he
occupied Ecbatana (Hamedan),
Atropatene (Azarbaijan),
Hyrcania (Gorgan),
Abrashahr (Khorasan)
Margiana (Marv), and extended his territories to the neighborhood of
Balkh and Khwarazm. In addition the
kings of Kushanshahr and Turan (in present - day Baluchestan)
acknowledged his sovereignty. Thus it was
that the Sassanid Empire, which was to last more than 400 years,
took its initial form.
According to the trilingual inscription of Shapur I at the Kabah of
Zoroaster (Kaba - i Zartusht), which has been
called by European scholars res gelase divi saporis (The Book of
Deeds of the Emperor Shapur), Shapur's
territories consisted of the following: Persis, Susiana, Mesene,
Asuristan (Iraq),
Adiabene (northern
Mesopotamia: the present - day region of Erbil), Arabia,
Atropatene, Iberia (Georgia), Makhelomia,
Albania, Balasagan (Barasajan, in the north of Iranian Azarbaijan),
Patishkhwargar (the mountainous region
of Mazandaran), Media (the Jebal of the Arab geographers), Hyrcania,
Margiana, Harat, Abrashahr,
Carmania, Sistan, Turan, Makuran (Makran), Paratan, Hind (the Indus
River delta), Kushanshahr (as far as
Peshavar and Tashkand), Soghd (as far as Kashghar) and Mazun (the
region of
It is possible that the
inclusion of some of these areas, especially Kushanshahr and Soghd,
as being among Shahpur's territories is
an exaggeration.
During the reign of Chosroes I Anusharvan, Sassanid territory was
extended to the shores of the Black Sea,
that is, Lazika (present - day Lazestan, the capital of which is
Kutais). In addition the city of Antioch and
southern Arabia (the Yemen) were taken by the Sassanids and the
region of Bactria as far as the southern
part of the Oxus River was also annexed to their empire. The
conquests of Chosroes II Aparvez (590 - 628) in
Syria and Asia Minor were of a temporary nature.
Historical Atlas of Iran, University of Tehran, Institue of
Geography - 1971
The Tahirids
In 205/820 al - Mamun, the Abbasid caliph, appointed Tahir ibn
Husayn ibn Masab to rule over a large portion
of the Abbasid caliphate. According to the historian, Tabari, the
area of this rule extended from Baghdad to the
regions of the caliphate farthest to the cast. After Tahir's death
the Abbasid caliphs left his descendants in
control of important sections of
the center of their rule begin the province of
Finally, in the year
259/872 Yaqub ibn Layth Saffari entered
and imprisoned the Tahirid ruler of
ibn Tahir ibn Abdallah ibn Tahir.
During the whole period of their rule, the Tahirids remained
obedient to the Abbasid caliphate, sending to
Baghdad the taxes which they collected from the regions under their
control and going to war against the
enemies of the Abbasid regime on orders received from the capital.
In the year 207/822 it did happen that
Tahir ibn Husayn purposefully left al - Mamun's name out of the
Friday sermon (in effect declaring his own
independence), but by coincidence he died on the same night. After
hearing of Tahir's death al - Mamun
appointed Talha ibn Tahir to be his father's successor, or,
according to other sources, he appointed Abdallah
ibn Tahir to succed his father, but since Abdallah was in Raqqa, he
sent his brother Talha to rule as his
When Abdallah ibn Tahir died in 230/844 he ruled over
princes in Transoxania
were his vassals, Oshrusana had been conquered during his rule and
Maziyar had been taken by his
The reasons that the Tahirids are considered the first Iranian
dynasty of the Islamic period are apparently that
first, Tahir was an Iranian - his geneology has even been traced
back to Minuchihr, the mythical Iranian king;
second, in the war between al - Mamun and al - Amin, which was in
fact a war between the Iranians and the
Arabs, Tahir was al - Mamun's general and the leader of the army of
Khorasan; and third, the Abbasid caliphs
left the rule of
in the hands of Tahir's descendants, by reason of the influence of
the Tahirids in that
Historical Atlas of Iran, University of Tehran, Institue of
Geography - 1971
In the year 261/874 Nasr ibn Ahmad ibn Asad was appointed ruler of
Transoxania by al - Mutamid, the
Abbasid caliph. Nasr established Samarqand as his capital and sent
his brother Ismail to Bokhara as
governor. After Nasr's death Ismail assumed the rule of all
Transoxania. In 270/883-4 he coquered territories
beyond the Jaxartes River and in 287/900, after capturing Amr ibn
Layth, he was given the rule of
by al - Mutamid, so that his territory to the southeast extended to
the Indus River. Ismail also
from Muhammad ibn Zayd Alawi and in the area of Eraq - e - Ajam
advanced as far as
Thus Samanid territory during Ismail's rule included Transoxania,
Sistan as far as the western branches of the Indus River,
and Zangan. It also included to the northeast Torkestan and the
borders of China, During the
rule of Nasr ibn Ahmad ibn Ismail
was occupied by Muhammad ibn Ilyas and thus was added to the
Samanid domains. It was in fact at this time that these domains
reached their greatest extension.
Historical Atlas of Iran, University of Tehran, Institue of
Geography - 1971
The Buyids
The origins of the Buyid (Bawayhid) dynasty go back to the time when
Abu Shuja Buya and his three sons, Ali,
Hasan and Ahmad joined the forces of Makan Kaki. Afterwared the
three sons enterd the service of Mardawij,
by whom Ali, the service of pointed governor of
Several years laters
Ali added
to his domain and his brother Hasan gained control of
while the third brother,
Ahmad, became ruler of
In the same year, 334/945-6, Ahmad set out for
which along with
Baghdad he subsequently conquered. The caliph, al - Mustakfi Billah,
gave the title Muizz al - Dawla to
Ahmad, Imad al - Dawla to Ali and Rukn al - Dawla to Hasan.
It should be mentioned that it was from this time that the Baghdad
caliphate was under the control of the
Persian Buyids; and it was not long before Muizz al - Dawla blinded
al - Mustakfi and removed him from the
caliphate, replacing him with al - Muti Lillah, the son of the
caliph al - Muqtadir.
The most famous of the Buyid sultans was Adhud al - Dawla Fana
Khusraw, the son of Rukn al - Dawla, who
ruled in
from the year 338/949 and extended his domain to the southern region
the Persian Gulf
Among his famous monuments are the Amir Dam on the Kur River in
the remains of which are
still to be seen, and the Adhudi hospital, which he founded in
in 368/978-9.
The Buyids had four main centers of government. The first was
Baghdad, where the following members of the
dynasty ruled in succession from 334/945-6 to 440/1048: Muizz al -
Dawla, Izz al - Dawla, Adhud al - Dawla,
Samsam al - Dawla, Sharaf al - Dawla, Baha al - Dawla, Musharrif al
- Dawla, Jalal al - Dawla, Abu Kalijar
Marzban and al - Malik al - Rahim Khusraw Firuz.
The second was
where Imad al - Dawla, Adhud al - Dawla, Sharaf al - Dawla, Samsam
al -
Dawla, Baha al - Dawla, Sultan al - Dawla, Mushrrif al - Dawla, Abu
Kalijar and al - Malik al - Rahim ruled
from 322/934 to 440/1048.
The third was
where Muizz al - Dawla, Adhud al - Dawla, Samsam al - Dawla, Baha al
- Dawla,
Qiwam al - Dawla, Abu Kalijar and Abu Mansur Fulad Sutun ruled from
324/936 to 440/1048.
The fourth was Jebal (Rey,
and part of Azarbaijan), where Imad al - Dawla, Rukn al -
Dawla. Muayyid al - Dawla, Ala al - Dawla, Kakuya, Fakhr al - Dawla
and Majd al - Dawla ruled from 320/932
to 420/1029.
The Buyid government in Jebal was transferred to
the Ghaznavids
in 420/1029 after the conquest of
Sultan Mahmud Ghaznawi, while in
and Baghdad the Buyids were overthrown in 447/1055
by Toghril Beg
the Seljuk.
the Buyid princes surrendered their rule to Malik Qavurt Seljuki in
year 444/1052-3.
Historical Atlas of Iran, University of Tehran, Institue of
Geography - 1971
The Ghaznavids
Sebuktigin, the son - in - law of Alptigin, became ruler of Ghazni
in the year 366/977. From there he occupied
the surrounding regions, such as Zamin Davar, Qosdar, Bamiyan,
Tokharestan and Ghur, and founded a
small state in southeastern
After his death in 387/997, his son Sultan Mahmud was able to
establish a
state relatively worthy of respect. By conquering
Gharjestan and Jozjanan, Mahmud extended his
father's territory, and with the signing of a treaty with Ilek -
Khan, the ruler of Transoxania,he established the
Oxus River as the border between the two states.
Afterwareds, in 408/1017 - 8, Mahmud conquered
Khwarazm and in 419/1028 he annexed
In addition his son, Sultan Masud, conquered Tabarestan in
To the southeast Sultan Mahmud invaded India sixteen times,
conquered the Punjab and Kashmir and
advanced on the one hand to Qannuj and Kalanjar and on the other to
the peninsula of Gojarat. But these
invasions can not be considered among Mahmud's permanent conquests,
for in each case after defeating the
garrisons and plundering the temples he returned to Ghazni without
appointing a governor for the defeated
regions. Hence the border remains the Indus River and its western
branch, which passes near Peshavar.
During Sultan Mahmud's reign, southern
was in the hands of the successors of Adhud al - Dawla. The
various branches of this family in
for the most part warred among themselves to
gain ascendancy over the others.
Towards the end of his reign, Sultan Mahmud turned attention toward
and in 420/1029 he took
from Abu Talib Rustam ibn Fakhr al - Dawla, entitled Majd al -
Dawla, and turned the government of this
city and of
over to his son Masud. Masud also extended his territory to the west
by capturing
At this time the Rawwadi dynasty was ruling in Azarbaijan while
and the western lands of
such as
were under the domination of the Abbasid caliph.
After the death of Sultan Mahmud
the Seljuks
came to power in northern
and Sultan Masud was not
able to hold his ground against them. In 432/1041 he was killed on
his way to India. Masud's successors lost
Ghazni and the southeastern sections of
the Seljuks
and the Ghaznavids came to an end in 582/1186-7
when the Ghurids captured their last capital city, Lahore.
Historical Atlas of Iran, University of Tehran, Institue of
Geography - 1971
The Khwarazm - Shah
Malik - Shah bestowed the provincial governorship of Khwarazm on
Anush - Tegin Gharchal. Until Sultan
Sanjar's death, the rule of Anush - Tegin's successors was limited
to Khwarazm itself.
After his death
however, Sultan Ala al - Din Tokesh gained control of
and in 590/1194 put Toghril III, the last of the
kings of
to death and annexed his territory.
Sultan Muhammad, Ala al - Din's son, conquered
in the year 606/1209 - 10 and also wrested
from the rule of the successors of Malik Dinar. When the Ghurids
fell in 612/1215 - 6 Sultan
Muhammad occupied the lands of Ghur, Gherjestan,
and Zabolestan and extended his southeast
frontier to the Indus River. He also took Transoxanian from the Qara
- Khitais and extended his territory in that
direction to the borders of Kashgher. By forcing Sad ibn Zangi, the
Atabeg of
and Uzbak, the Atabeg of
Azarbayjan, to accept his authority, he added these two provinces as
well to the sphere of his influence.
Because of the Mongol invasion, however, Sultan Muhammad was not
able to carry out his intention of
attacking Baghdad and occupying the territories of the Abbasid
caliph. And although Jalal al - Din, Sultan
Muhammad's son, resisted the Mongols bravely for ten years and
extended his father's domain to include
Georgia, his death in 628/1231 brought the rule of the Khwarazm -
Shahs to an end, and thus
fell into the
hands of the Mongols.
Historical Atlas of Iran, University of Tehran, Institue of
Geography - 1971
The Il - Khans
Chingiz - Khan divided the lands he had conquered among his sons
during his own lifetime.
however, he
did not bestow upon any of them, and until 651/1253 it was
administered by governors sent from Mongolia. In
that year Hulegu - Khan was sent by his brother Megu - Qaan to
conquer the fortresses of the Ismailis,
overthrow the Abbasid caliph and occupy the territories which had
not yet been taken by the Mongols. His
successors in
made up the independent Il - Khanid dynasty.
To the northeast the domain of the Il - Khans bordered on the
territory occupied by the successors of
Chaghatai, the son of Chingiz, which included Transoxania and
eastern and western Torkestan. The Oxus
River always remained the border between the territories of these
two families.
To the southeast the border of the Il - Khanid territory was the
Indus River and the Punjab, which had been
occupied by the Mongols at the time of Chingiz.
To the west the Mongols reached the borders of Syria, which was
occupied by the Egyptians, at the time of
Hulegu - Khah, and in fact the Euphrates River made up the western
border of Il - Khanid territory. Although
the Mongols were sometimes able to conquer parts of Syria, they were
always forced to retreat to the regions
east of the Euphrates by the strong Egyptian resistance.
After the fall of the Seljuks of Asia Minor, the Il - Khans extended
their northwestern borders to the edges of the
Byzantine Empire. To the north the Il - Khanid territory included
Darband and Georgia and bordered upon the
areas occupied by the successors of Jochi, another son of Chingiz.
Although the Mongols gained control over all of
in some provinces local dynasties ruled semi -
independently under their sovereignty. These included the Kart
Dynasty of Harat, Ghur and Gharjestan, which
continued to rule even after the death of Sultan Abu Said Bahadur
Khan, the last of the Il - Khans, and the Qara
- Khitai of
whose rule was put to an end in the year 703/1303 - 4.
The province of
was under the financial administration of the Il - Khans from the
time Hulegu - Khan
onward, but it continued to possess a degree of independence until
the year 684/1285 - 6, when Abish Khatun,
the last of the Atabegs of
was still alive. In southwesten
or the present - day Bakhtiyari region and
the Great and the Little Atabegs of Lor continued their political
life under Mongol sovereignty.
The local rulers of Hormuz on the islands and shores of
the Persian Gulf,
the Shabankara kings of eastern
Gars and the rulers of Lar in the city of
also administered small local governments, for the most
part under Mongol control.
was in the hands of local rulers who were the successors of
the Saffarids.
Historical Atlas of Iran, University of Tehran, Institue of
Geography - 1971
Local Dynasties Between the Mongols and Timur
After the death of Abu Said Bahadur in 736/1335, the last of
the Il - Khans
a number of local dynasties
came to power in various parts of the country:
1. The Chupanids in
Arran and Eraq - e - Ajam, from 738/1338 to 758/1357. Their capital
2. The Jalayirids or Ilakanids in
Eraq - e - Ajam,
and Sharvan, from 740/1239 - 40 to 838/1434
- 5. Their capital was Baghdad and
3. The Muzaffarids in
from 718/1318 to 795/1393. Their capital was
The Atabegs of
the Al - i Inju in
the Shabankara kings, the kings of Hormuz, the rulers of
and the Great and Small Atabegs of Lor were either overthrown by the
Muzaffarids or continued to rule as
their vassal states.
4. The Karts, who came to power in 643/1245 - 6 in the eastern part
and retained their position for
some time.
5. The Sarbadars, who ruled from 737/1337 to 783/1381 in the western
part of
6. Taghatimur and his descendants, who were in possession of
and a part of northern
for a time
and who ruled from 737/1337 to 812/1409 - 10.
7. Amir Arghun - Shah, who ruled for a time over the cities of
Nesa, Abivard and
8. Various local princes, known as the Paduspanids, the Ispahbads of
Bawandids, the Marashi Sayyids, the
Kiyas and the Ishaqwand family, ruled over
Historical Atlas of Iran, University of Tehran, Institue of
Geography - 1971
The Timurids the Period of Shahrukh
Although Timur had chosen Pir Muhammad ibn Jahangir as his
successor, after his death in 807/1407 Khalil
Sultan, another of his grandsons and the son of Miran Shah, occupied
Samarqand, the capital city, with the
backing of the princes of the realm, declared himself king. At this
time Shahrukh, the fourth son of Timur, has
consolidated his position in
the center of his rule, and added
to his
domain. As a result of differences among the princes, Khalil Sultan
was deposed in 812/1499, Shahurkh
conquered Transoxania as well. Thus he ruled for nearly a half
century (from 807/1404 to 850/1447) as
Timur's successor in
and Transoxania. In the southeast his territory reached to the Indus
River and the
Soleyman Mountains and in the northeast to the farther side of the
Jaxartes River, In the
West Azarbaijan,
Arran and Mesopotamia were ruled by Jahan - Shah Qara - Qoyunlu
under Shahrukh's aegis.
Historical Atlas of Iran, University of Tehran, Institue of
Geography - 1971
The Successors of Shahrukh and the Aq - Qoynlus
After the death of Shahrukh, differences arose among the various
As a
result Jahan - Shah
Qara - Qoyunlu achieved independence in
and Arran. In 857/1453 he conquered Eraq - e - Ajam,
and extended his territory as far as the
Oman sea.
In 861/1458 he occupied Harat, the
capital. Afterwards he concluded a treaty according to which he
entrusted the rule of
and trusted the rule of
to Sultan Abu Said, the claimant to the
throne, and went to
At this time his territory included all of
Arran, Eraq - e - Ajam,
But at the same time Uzun Hasan Aq - Qoyunlu, known as Uzun Hasan,
had gained a
degree of power, and in a war that occurred between him and Jahan -
Shah the latter was killed. Thus Uzun
Hasan took possession of Jahan - Shah's territories and became the
immediate neighbor of the
Sultan Abu Said, who governed all of Transoxania as well as the
provinces of Kabol,
in 872/1468 to war against Uzun Hasan. However in the following
year he was killed in battle. His successor, Sultan Husayn Mirza,
found no opportunity to win back his
inherited territories from Uzun Hasan because of the opposition of
princes to his rule. After Sultan
Husayn's death in 911/1506 the
dynasty came to an end.
Uzun Hasan extended his domain west to the borders of the Ottoman
Empire, Qaraman (ancient Cilicia) and
the territory of the Mamluk dynasty and north to Georgia, and at the
same time he made the king of Shirvan his
tributary. After Uzun Hasan's death in 882/1478 the Aq - Qoyunlu
dynasty gradually weakened. It was finally
overthrown by Shah Ismail
the Safavid.
Historical Atlas of Iran, University of Tehran, Institue of
Geography - 1971
The Safavids
Shah Isma'il I, the founder of the Safavid dynasty, mounted the
throne at
in the year 907/1502. In
908/1503 he conquered
and in 909/1504
In 914/1508-9 the city of Baghdad
and the surrounding areas fell into his hands. These continued to be
under Safavid control until the year
941/1534-5 when Sultan Sulayman Khan Qanuni occupied the city. In
1033/1623-4 Shah 'Abbas I retook
Baghdad from the Ottomans but in 1048/1638-9
fell into Ottoman hands once and for all.
In the year 913/1507-8 Deyar-e Bakr and Arzanjan were occupied by
Shah Isma'il, but these two provinces
were lost by the Safavid in 921/1515 and continued under Ottoman
control. The ,local rulers of Sharvan were
subservient to Safavid rule from the first appearance of the dynasty
until 945/1538-9 when Shah Tahmasb I
took over absolute control of the province. Sharvan fell into
Ottoman hands in 985/1577 but Shah 'Abbas
reoccupied it in the year 1016/1607-8. Baku, Darband, Ganja,
Qarabagh, Chukhursa'd (Iravan) and part of
Georgia were Safavid territory, although several times they came
under the control of the Ottomans during
their invasions of
From 913/1507-8 to 939/1532-3 Bedlis of Betlis and from 913/1507-8
to 955/1548 Van
were occupied by
was Iranian territory and even Basra was sometimes under Iranian
fell into Sahah Isma'il's hands in 916/1510-11 and in addition the
ruler of Balkh and Marv, who also
governed Andakhud, Shebarghan, Jijaktu, Meymana, Faryab and
Gharjestan, was appointed by him. In
916/1510-11 the Oxus River was defined as the border between
and the Uzbaks. In 922/1516 Balkh and
in 932/1525-6 Marv were taken from the Safavid but in the year
1007/1598-9 Marv once again came under
their control. Harat was in Safavid hands from 916/1510-11 and
although it fell to the Uzbaks many times
during the Safavid control. Qandahar come under Safavid rule during
the reign of Shah Tahmasb and from
965/1558 to the end of the Safavid period it continued in Safavid
hands, although from 1000/1591-2 to
1031/1622 and 1047/1637-8 to 1059/1649 it was under the control of
the Mogul dynasty of India.
Historical Atlas of Iran, University of Tehran, Institue of
Geography - 1971
Nadir Shah Afshar
Nadir Quli, the son of Imam Quli, was a member of the Qarakhlu clan
of the Afshar tribe. He was born in
Muharram 1100/ November 1688. The details of his childhood years are
not known, but from the time he was
a young man he occupied himself with the life of a soldier. At the
age of 31 he married and afterwards he
established himself as ruler over the stronghold of Kalat, a natural
fortress in
At 39 he joined the
service of Shah Tahmasb, the son of Shah Sultan Husayn, who was
attempting to win for himself the crown
which had been worn by his father. In this period, during four years
and four major battles (those of
Sardara - ye Khar,
Murcha - khurt,
and Zarqan,
exterminated the Afghans, and during at least three other great
campaigns and small battles he forced the
Ottomans, who were in possession of the major part of the west and
northwest of
to evacuate their
occupied territories.
As a result of the influence of the king and his own genius, Nadir
gained for himself a tremendous degree of
power. In 1145/1732 he deposed his benefactor and in the year
1148/1736 at the Council of the Plain of
Moghan, at the junction of the Kor and Arax Rivers, he was elected
by the nobles of
to the kingship; on 24
Shawwal March of the same year he was crowned.
From the plain of Moghan Nadir headed for eastern
with the aim of conquering Qandahar, and after
accomplishing this he set out for India. In Dhu'l - Qi'dah
1151/February 1739 he defeated Muhammad Shah
the Mogul at the Kernal Plain and on 3 Safar 1152/15 May 1739 he
called together as assembly of the nobles
of India and bestowed the rule of India once again upon Muhammad
Shah. In return for this noble gesture, the
Indian emperor presented his treasuries to Nadir and in addition
entrusted to him the kingdoms on the other
side of Tibet and Kashmir to the point where the latter river joins
the Indian Ocean as well as the provinces of
Tatta and the ports and fortresses of Batu.
After returning from India and arriving at Kabol, Nadir set out in
pursuit of Khudayar Khan 'Abbasi, the ruler of
Sind, and went as far as Omarkut. Then he turned towards
Transoxania, and on 19 Jumada'l - thani 1153/11
September 1740 Abu'l - Fadhl Khan, the ruler of Bokhara, surrendered
to him without resistance and turned
over to his control the lands on the left side of the Oxus River. In
Sha'ban 1153/November 1740 Nadir
defeated Ilbaris Khan, the ruler of Khwarazm, and annexed the whole
of that province. From this date until 11
Jumada'l thani 1160/20 June 1748, the day of his death, Nadir was a
great king, one who also realized naval
bases on both
the Caspian Sea
the Persian Gulf.
Historical Atlas of Iran, University of Tehran, Institue of
Geography - 1971
the zand
When Nadir was killed, a situation occurred similar to what had
happened at the death of Alexander the Great.
The awe in which Nadir was held had destoryed the halo of reference
surrounding the royal family of
Each of the leaders of Nadir's army took the forces under his
command and estabilshed himself in
one of the provinces, where he proceeded to set up a government. The
most important claimants to the
this time were the following:
1. Ahmad Khan Durrani, one of the leaders of the Abdali tribe and a
favorite of Nadir, who after Nadir's death
went to Qandahar and declared himself king. He first established his
rule over eastern
and the
areas of the Punjab and Sind. Then he turned his attention towards
but finding the other claimants
to the throne more poweful than himself he was content to occupy
and a part of
that is,
Harat. To the east he invaded India repeatedly and in addition to
the provinces of Sind and the Punjab took
possession of Kashmir.
2. At Nadir's death his family fell to battling among themselves,
and in fact, they have bequeathed nothing but
a bloody page to Iranian history. Finally Shahrukh, the grandson of
Nadir and the son of Ridha Quli Mirza, the
latter of whom had been blinded during the struggles for power, was
able to rule over portion of
Aqa Muhammad Khan
came to power.
3. Heraclius, the governor of Georgia and one of Nadir loyal
lieutenants, returned to Georgia and declared his
Other important claimants to the throne include Muhammad Hasan Khan
Qajar in
Ali Mardan Khan
and Abul - Fath Khan, two leaders of the Bakhtiyari tribe in
Azad Khan Afghan in
Karim Khan Zand near
The stuggle for power continued for ten years, from 1162/1748 to
1172/1757. During the numerous wars
which took place Karim Khan Zand emerged victorious and all of his
above named rivals were put to death by
his powerful and fortunate sword. The duration of Karim Khan's rule
was 21 years. His territory which had
became more extensive than that of the other men ruling in various
parts of
included the province of
Basra, which he conquered and ruled over until the end of his reign.
His capital was
During this period the khans of Khwarazm, Bokhara and
took advantage of the situation in other
to declare their own independence.
Historical Atlas of Iran, University of Tehran, Institue of
Geography - 1971
The Qajars
On the very day that Karim Khan died, 13 Safar 1193/2 March 1779,
Aqa Muhammad Khan Qajar set out to
seize the throne of
Aqa Muhammad Khan was the son of Muhammad Hasan Qajar, the rival of
Shah and Karim Khan Zand, of the Ashaqabash clan of the Qajar tribe.
In the course of eighteen years he
attained his goal, eradicating the feudal system which had dominated
the Zand
period and extending
the borders of the country approximately what they had been in
the Safavid
The war between Aqa Muhammad Khan and Lutf Ali Khan, the last king
the Zand
dynasty, lasted for six
years, from 1203/1788 tp 1209/1794. In Ramadan 1209/April 1995 Aqa
Muhammad Khan invaded Georgia
and occupied the northwestern ,lands of Iran as far as the Caucasus
Mountains. He chose
as his
capital and in 1210.1796 was coronated in that city. In the same
year he occupied all of
as well as
Balkh. In 1211/1796 he set for the Caucasus to war against the
Russians but on 21 Dhul' Hijja/18 May of the
same year he was killed near the stronghold of Shishi.
During the reign of Fath Ali Shah, Aqa Muhammad Khan successor, a
completely new situation was brought
about because of the French Revolution and the appearance of
Napoleon, the rule of Alexander I in Russia
and the imperialistic policies of the British East India Company in
was suddenly thrown into the area
of international politics, although Fath Ali Shah and the members of
his court were completely unaware of the
nature of those politics of what was happening in the world at
large. As a result
continued to suffer severe
political and territorial losses.
In this period, two great wars were fought with Tsarist Russia. The
first of these, which lasted ten years (from
1218/1803 to 1228/812), led to the Treaty of Golestan, the third
article of which reads as follows: "His
Highness ... the king of
considers the provinces of Qarabagh and Ganja; the khanates of
Shirvain,Qobba, Darband and Baku; all areas of the provinces of
Talesh which are now occupied by Russia;
all of Daghestan and Georgia; the areas of Shura - gol, Achuqbash,
korna, Monkril and Abkhaz; all of the
areas and lands between the Caucasus and the present determined
borders; and the lands and people of the
Caucasus adjoining
the Caspian Sea
to be belonging and attached to the Imperial State of Russia."
The second war lasted two years (from 1241/1826 to 1243/1828) and
resuled in the Treaty of Torkomanchay,
the third aritcle of which reads as follows: "His Highness the
Shahanshah of
entrusts on the part of
himself, his descendants and his heirs the Khanates of Irvan
situated on both sides of the Arax River as well
as the khanates of Nakhjavan to the absolute ownership of Russia."
Fath Ali Shah was succeeded by his nephew Muhammad Shah, who reigned
for fourteen years. During this
period Iran's borders underwent no changes, and only the Treaty of
Erzerum (16 Jumada'l n- thani 1262/13
June 1846) is worthy of mention. As a result of this treaty, the
border disputes between
and the Ottoman
Empire were partly settled.
After Muhammad Shah his son Nasir al - Din Shah came to power and
ruled for 49 years. By means of the
Treaty of Paris (Rajab 1273/ March 1857) England forced Nasir al -
Din Shah to abandon any claim to the
region of Harat or the provinces of
and subsequently through various arbitrations it turned over to
part of
The Russians, who had begun to penetrate into Iran's northeastern
during the reign of Peter the Great, moved swiftly forward during
this period and finally, by means of the treaty
of 23 Muharram 1299/9 December 1881, they reached their present
borders. Again, Great Britain did not
remain idle but during the course of these events, by political
means and by establishing relations with the
Baluchi khans, proceeded to annex a portion of
to its own territories.
Historical Atlas of Iran, University of Tehran, Institue of
Geography - 1971
